O.C.T sectioning (with Fisherbrands superfrost plus slide)

O.C.T sectioning involves freezing tissue samples and then slicing them thinly using a microtome inside a cryostat, a specialized freezing chamber. The process is rapid and does not require the tissue to undergo the fixation and embedding processes typical of other methods. After sectioning, the tissue slices are typically mounted on slides for staining and microscopic examination.
Preservation of Native State: O.C.T sectioning preserves the tissue's water content and retains the native state of proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids.
Rapid Processing: It allows for quick preparation of samples, which is crucial for time-sensitive analyses such as intraoperative consultation.
Compatibility with Certain Stains and Techniques: Ideal for immunofluorescence and enzyme histochemistry, where preservation of enzymatic activity and antigenicity is necessary.
Artifact Risk: The freezing process can cause ice crystal formation, leading to tissue distortion and artifacts.
Section Quality: It can be challenging to obtain high-quality, thin sections due to the tissue's frozen state, particularly for fatty or hard tissues.